

How to Improve you mood

Hello There Readers

I thought it would be good that today's post would be about improving your mood as from time to time, everyone has bad mood, or feeling a bit down or stressed out in life. It's only human to feel these things and healthy to, but some times you just get fed up of feeling like this or just want to feel better.

So as I have been feeling a little up and down emotionally lately, I thought it would be helpful to share some helpful (or hopefully helpful) tips on boosting or improving your mood. Which like most things in life is down to you.

So here goes:
  • Give someone a compliment
This will help you feel better about yourself as well as making someone else feel good about them self. So your just spreading the love and happiness. It's the small things that go along way in life.

  • Act how you want to feel
So the theory behind this is, if you are thinking about how down or unhappy you are the more likely you are going to feel like that (see where I am going with this). So if you think positive happy thoughts you will feel more positive or happy. Why not give it a try?

  • Think of the positives in the situation
Even in a bad situation there is always some positives to come from it. You just have to change the way you look at the situation itself, for example you may not want to go to an event with your friend/friends as that particular event does not interest you or a group of people you d not like or do not get on with will be there. Instead of looking at it like that think of it more like I may meet some interesting people there and possibly make some new friends or it might be nice to try something different out of my comfort zone or I might learn something from this or learn something about myself. This should make you look at situations in a more positive way.

  • Appreciate what you have
Think of the basic things that you have and are grateful to have for instance a roof over your head, your health, your family and friends and your job. Just remember not everyone is as lucky as you are. You may not have everything you want in life, but always take a moment to stop and think about the things you do have and be grateful that you have those things and how lucky you are. You could also make a list of things that you appreciate that you have, so you can look at it and remind yourself how lucky you are every once in a while. We tend to get lost in the big picture of things and forget to take it back to basics.

  • Talk to someone about it
This one personally helps me because it can make you feel better by just talking about it, plus the other person can have a different outlook on it and make you think more positively about the it. even give you some good advice. I often build things up in my head to be worse then they are in reality and sometimes it is just nice to know there is someone there when you need them. I am sure they will not mind listening to you as I am sure you will return the favour when they need you

I hope this helps at least one person lift there mood let me know if you like this or find it useful

Best Wishes

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