

I had a thought come to me and I thought it be a good conversation that would get people talking, but also show the difference in peoples options.

I was thinking how people give others so much negative attitudes or negative words because the way they look or their option of what is beautiful is different to someone else's does it really matter what someone else looks like as long as they are beautiful on the inside?

People all look different even identical twins there is some small way that you are able to tell them apart such as a birthmark or lighter hair in one place different to the other identical twin. Plus everyone has a different story on maybe why they are not deemed beautiful on the outside to some people for example, they have more important things to worry about such as health issues or they have children that they have to bring up and can't spend hours getting ready or the money to go and have there nails or hair done all the time or they were simply born that way.

Surely it is better to be beautiful on the inside then the outside? I would rather be beautiful on the inside then the outside. I don't know about anyone else to be feel free to share your option.

I feel better if I am nice to people and help them if I can because surely that is what everyone should be doing. There are far to many people out there that think of themselves first maybe that is the way they have had to be to survive or it is they way they have got to where they are in their career, there are probably many reason why people are where they are. Often karma will come and bit the people who are ugly on the inside on the bum hard!

Some people look at themselves and think they are ugly on the outside and maybe the inside because someone on else has made them feel that way. If it is someone who has a close relationship with you them they should love you for you and make you feel good about yourself and if they don't them they need kicking to the curb (easier said then done sometimes).

I hope this post was not to long and if you would like to discuss it further then feel free to use the comment section or if you would like me to go a bit further into this topic then let me know

Until next time
keep well

The other day I went for a little trip to Bath, mainly to have a walk about and a little explore of the beautiful city and to take some photos whilst I was there. I love going to this city It is so beautiful and full of history with plenty of this to see and many shops to look in and I often buy things when I am there.

Here are some of the pictures I took whist I was looking around Bath I hope you enjoy them.

It was a lovely warm day, which made it even better to for a walk and see the sites of Bath. It was so enjoyable and I was tempted to go on a boat trip along the river, but decided not to in the end. I did a boat trip there before and really enjoyed it. I also managed to do a bit of shopping whist I was there to which is always a bit of a bonus. 
After I came back from Bath I walked down to my local pub and had a drink. I was hoping to catch the last bit of the sun so I could sit out side and enjoy the view and relax also I find it really nice just to be outside it makes me happier if I can be outside it don't have to be for long just get a bit of fresh air is good for me. I enjoy this more when it is Spring or Summer time but Autumn is not bad for it either. By the time I did get to the pub the sun had gone and it was colder out to cold it sit outside in the pub garden, which I had planned to do 😢. It was still nice to go there and it was quite inside which wasn't a bad thing.
Over all I had a really nice day. Which was the aim of it and to et some photos as I do enjoy taking photos when I am out and about.
Best Wishes

It is perfectly normal  to have an day or two where you feel rubbish and just want to hibernate and grab a blanket and lie out on the sofa and do nothing but watch box sets or movies. As sometimes you just need to give yourself a minute to get back on track.

Everyone has those days where they just feel off not there normal self or bad about them self and don't feel like doing anything. This is perfectly normal as long as it don't last to long then there is nothing wrong with feeling like this.

Some good ideas to do when you feel like this or I find help are:
  • Invite friends round to watch movies or box sets with, that way you have people to talk to and laugh with to get you out of this funk.

  • Have slumber/sleepover with friends and put some music on and dance around like no one is looking sometimes being crazy and letting loose is all it takes to get back to normal.

  • Have a pamper day nothing better then treating your self to a good pamper to get you back to your fabulous self again.

So grab the blanket and your chosen box set or movie of your choice and do what you have to do to make yourself feel better. Take the time to get your mojo back

Let me know what you do to make yourself feel better and get your mojo back maybe grabbing a tub of your favourite ice cream does that for you

Best Wishes

I very much believe I have lost my body confidence

I would love to say I am happy with my body or at least like the way my body is, like I once did.

Some how I have lost it and I very much want to get it back (which I know is not going to be easy). I feel fat, ugly ,unattractive, gross and looking at myself in the mirror is hard to do, which it shouldn't be we should feel happy when we look in the mirror.

I believe that we all feel like this at times, at it is normal after all we are only human and sometimes we fall off the wagon and then get back on.

Never mind how much people tell you, that you look good or that you are beautiful. It just does not help with all their good intentions for some reason or other it just does not help.

If his is the case then maybe it is more to do with being happy within yourself about your body and you do not have to really skinny to be happy maybe being happy about your body or to like it, as long as you are comfortable in your own skin and are healthy then why should it matter what other people think no one is perfect and nobody's body is perfect everyone has things they do not like about there body plus everyone's option is slightly different.

It becomes a problem when you become uncomfortable or unhealthy due to being over weight or under weight.

So unless you are one of those then learn to except your body for it's uniqueness and if you do feel uncomfortable or are unhealthy then seek help and make a change even a few small steps can make a change and if you struggle with body image or body confident or have food issues or weight issues then please tell someone or/and seek help it is out there if you need it.

Best wishes

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