

Let's Stop Bullying

Hey there guys and girls

Today I am going to have a little chat about bullying as most people, have either seen it, done it or have had it done to then in one way or another.

Personally I hate it with a capital H . Bullying is a terrible, horrible thing to inflicted on another human being. Which is normally caused by unlinking issues with the bully or bullies.

Types of Bullying
 There are a few types of bullying out there , it is not all face to face anymore and it can happen to anyone from any race, background, boy or girl , man or women. It can happen anywhere to with modern technology you can be anywhere any place and it can happen. (This is on of the draw backs of social media and smart phones).

  • Camera Bullying

  •  Email  Bullying

  • Chat Room Bullying

  • Bullying Blogs

  • Phone Bullying

  • School or work Bullying    

If you want me to go more in depth with these types or other types of bullying then just let me know and I will try my best to do so.

 A Few More Facts You Should Know
I Thought that you might be interested in some more facts and I thought this might be interesting to you guys as well .
  • 71% of  students report bullying
  • There is lots of bullying in School and can happen in work places to.
  • Over 100 Children miss school because of bullying.
  • Adults miss work because of bullying as well
  • Boys tend to bully out in the open, without caring who sees them.
  • Girls tend to hide their bullying and act in passive aggressive ways
There should be in any school or college, work place etc, a non- bullying policy that should be in place.
You should always go to someone in charge if you or anyone you know are getting bullied and report it as this does not happen enough and then there can be something done about it to put an end to it.
There is always a reason behind why someone bullies and it is never the person that is getting bullied fault NEVER


Some useful links -if your in the UK - For US Children and Teens - School aged children in the UK I'm guessing  -For the UK, USA and Mexico aged 12-25 years old
There are many others out there if there is not one here for you. Just search for it in google or any other fine search engines out there .
If at any time you would like for me to go deeper into this subject or have a story you would like to share then please message me or email me I believe my email is on this blog under contact or simple just comment at the end of this post.
                                                  Thanks again for reading
                                                              Best Wishes
 photo credit: Ken Whytock <a href="">Anti-bullying postcard:  "Stop Bullying Everywhere"</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">(license)</a>





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