

Are you really happy with being unique?

Hi There Everyone (waves at you all)

So how many of us are really happy being our unique selves as no two people are 100% the same, they maybe very similar but not exactly the same!

It seems like a lot of the time the media wants us to fight with our selves with something that 1. we have no control over and 2. we have literally no way of making everyone let alone two people the exact same as each other.

It can sometimes feel like there are people such as the media or some person or persons closer to you that want you to be like most people and if you are not then they can be quite cruel to you in an attempt to be in there group of people.

Which if you are happy with the you being your lovely wonderful unique self then you more then likely you will see past there games and find that you have more to offer being unique, plus I find it better and more interesting to be unique and different to everyone else.

Life would be very boring if we were all the same imagine billions of you walking in male and female form.

I find life a lot more exciting with everyone being different in big ways or just the small ways that some people my not notice. As variety is the spice of life after all and they don't say that for the good of their health now do they.

Why does it matter if you are different to other people as long as you are happy and healthy who else should and does care. I really does not matter as long as your happy and health, plus if everyone was like you, then half the stuff that has been invented, made or developed would not of happened now that would be a shame.

Best wishes


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