

Hi people of the world!!!

I was have been feeling a bit anxious to today and last night/evening and I got to thinking of why I tend to get these feelings of anxiety, sometimes they can be often but other times they can come out of know where and more then likely linked to something I am unaware that I am thinking about. Which can be a bit annoying from time to time as I have no idea why I am feeling these feelings or it, it could also be I do not realise what is bothering me and when this happens there is not a lot I can do about except trying to calm myself down (not always that easy I can tell you) or try to thinking and work out what is bothering me, which can lead to more worrying which is never good. Sometimes I find It helpful talking to someone about it and how I am feeling as It is true what they say and problem shared is a problem halved, that way you can both work on easing your mind and that person can reassure you everything will be ok and there is nothing to worry about.

Other times my brain cannot stop thinking of the reason for this bout of an anxiety and no matter what I do I cannot stop thinking of it and it builds up until I can calm myself or solve the problem which can be a while trust me and can take over days if not more of my life which I personally hate but can not do anything about it sometimes other times I try everything under the sun to calm myself.

A lot of the time this is the result of my over thinking which I tend to do a lot of, I also tend to think the worse case scenarios, which then some of the time causes the anxiety in the first place or I believe it does (so you can see it is a bit of a circle here going round and round). I try to not over think things as in kicks of the whole circle going on, which then affects my daily life and my enjoyment of It in stead of enjoying every minute of my free time I end up worrying what might happen and what if it does happen then what will I do and start worrying and panicking and having anxiety. Instead I try and do some things to calm myself a resolve my way in thinking some of these ways can be these:
  •  Listening to calming music e.g. classical, relaxing sounds
  • Concentrating on breathing
  • Meditation
  • Sitting outside and listening to the sounds around me e.g. Birds singing
  • Talking to someone about it
  • Thinking positively or making a plan to deal with what ever is bothering you
  • Telling myself it is going to be ok I'm safe and It's going to be ok  
 These are some of the things I do to calm myself down or to stop my anxiety. I hope this helps you in some way and if you have any other ways you deal with your anxiety then feel free to share them in the comments.

best wishes

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