

Teaching Mental Health in Schools

Hi Guys and Girls!

I have been thinking about how little people do not understand what mental health is and what comes under mental heath, or how to deal with it and how people think it is a bad thing, that these people are to be avoided or looked at in a different way. Instead of helping them in any way they can.

Life is NEVER easy but for people with a mental health issue, it can be even harder for them and doing day to day things, that most of us take for granted can be near impossible for people with mental health issues.

So I thought if you started to teach children from a certain age when they are old enough to understand such a topic then maybe as they grow older there will be less of a stigma against mental health and people will understand  what mental health is and be able to deal with it or help someone to deal with it. Another bonus to this would be that young people will be able to get the help from support groups or other organisations that are trained and able to deal with such issues.

The younger it is possible to teach children/young adults about mental health the more accepting and understanding they will become. Of course you will have to have a teacher or someone that is educated in this matter to teach it .

(Sorry if this post is not that amazing and lacks my normal sparkle but it is getting late here and I am feeling a tiny bit tired and the picture at the top was taken by me about a year ago).

Thanks for Reading
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