

Loving the best bits

Hi There My Beauties

I had a thought today just a simple little thought and that then turned into a some great big spider monster thing with many legs to say the least, and my conclusion to this that was that no one is 100% happy with all of there body when you really think about it, I expect that if you go and ask someone or a group of people not one of them will say that they are a 100% happy with their body. They will all have at least one thing they do not like.

Some people decide to spends hundreds and thousands maybe millions on changing those things they do not like with the likes of plastic surgery or things like that to take away the things that they do not like and sometimes come of worse for it, as it can never be guaranteed and go terribly wrong or not look the way you thought it would.

Others choose to hide the parts of themselves they do not like if it covering with something, like clothes, with make-up, or Photoshop. People get very creative in the ways that they try to hide the parts they don't like about themselves. You have to remember though that the things that you don't like about you someone else will and that no one is ever perfect and everyone has a different opinion of beauty otherwise we would all be attracted to the same people right.

Personally I have come to love my scars I have it is my story written on me and it can be a good conversation starter. A lot of people dislike there scars thinking they are ugly or what not, but I think they are something to be proud of they show that I am a survivor and that I am strong, a fighter and I believe that on it's own is enough to make me like my scars plus I have some that look like I had wings and they are now gone, so it is like I'm angel sent from the sky (or so I like to think). I think that is a pretty nice way to think about it.

                            Your Friend

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